Traces is a cinematic virtual reality film exploring the memories of one woman living with Alzheimer's disease. In the film, the main character Willie White, an 88-year old woman living with dementia, recounts her time as a young girl living in the fields near Mason, Tennessee.

As her words transport us back in time, traces of memory fall in and out—the old wooden farmhouse where she was raised, the coconut cakes her mom would make on Sunday mornings, her favorite white dress, the hymns she’d sing in the choir at church. Through these vibrant recollections, illustrated through re-enactments, we journey with Willie as she searches for the words to one of her favorite songs and the meaning of memory in this new and fragmented landscape.

The film has been recognized by the Alexia Foundation and the Creative Activist Network and has been selected for the VR program at the Kaleidoscope Showcase, New Orleans Film Festival, Indie Memphis Festival, SHIFT, Atlanta Film Festival and the Underground Film Festival. The film lives on JAUNT and Tribeca Film Festival’s app. In addition, the film has been used for training and presentations by local and national Alzheimer’s awareness groups.

Role: Director, Producer, Cinematographer and Editor